McEwan Descendants from Islay
McEwan Family Reunion
Its been held just left this material here for the record
When held: Labour day October Friday 22rd- Sunday 24th 2010
Where: Invercargill, New Zealand
Contact: John Tait
294 Rockdale Rd,
Phone: 03-2162114
e-mail; at (replace at with @)
The descendants of Neil and John McEwan, who emigrated to New Zealand in 1878 held a
family reunion. The family tree was updated and historical photographs and information collected.
The weekend included:
Friday night meet and greet
Saturday get together, information swap, and photographs followed by
formal dinner and after dinner talk
Sunday has a bus trip and picnic lunch visiting Fortrose, Tokanui, Waikawa, Redan and Wyndham
Attendee's also get electronic access to an updated family tree, family photos, and historical
Material for the reunion